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PM Imran Khan's Smart Lockdown Strategy Praised by World Community

PM Imran Khan's Smart Lock Lockdown Strategy Praised by World Community

Across Pakistan, since PM's smart lockdown was implemented the number of coronavirus patients has dropped from 6,800 a day in mid-June to just 1,209 in the last 24 hours, the world community has praised PM Imran Khan's strategy.

On June 13, Pakistan had reported 6,825 coronavirus cases out of 29,546 tests - the highest score ever in the country. During the last 24 hours, only 1,206 out of 22,006 people tested positive for COVID-19.

Out of 1,821,296 tests, 270,399 confirmed cases have been reported in the country so far, of which 219,783 have been recovered and 5,769 deaths.

However, despite the unwavering opposition to the  Prime Minister's smart lockdown, the country overcame the economic catastrophe facing the region and the developed world, while also reducing the number of people infected.

'The only solution the world has discovered is a smart lockdown, which allows economic activity with SOPs. We are among the pioneers of this approach,' the prime minister said on Twitter.

In its latest study, Imperial College London ranked Pakistan fourth for coronavirus reproduction in Pakistan based on July 20 data. Pakistan has a rate of 0.73, while countries below the 1st rank are considered the best for their anti-coronavirus response.

Interestingly, countries including Germany and Portugal, which are above Pakistan, are also supporting the very concept of smart lockdown to prevent a new increase in infection. In addition to administrative measures to ensure strict closure of the hotspot, the Prime Minister repeatedly addressed the nation, urging them to take strict precautionary measures to avoid catastrophe.

However, now that the results show that measurement works, many developing countries are also promoting the policy. Germany, Italy, and Portugal are also discussing citizen shutdowns to stem the rise in coronavirus infections.

More and more countries are closing small areas as opposed to closing the whole country. The Bangladesh-based Business Standard praised the Prime Minister's clever lockdown approach despite strong opposition.

The rationale behind the smart lockdown was to save the country, especially the day laborers, from the worst economic scenario in a country where millions of people are already living below the poverty line.

Over time, not only countries but also international organizations have joined the Prime Minister's call for a balance between life and livelihood in order to prevent starvation deaths and consequent deaths. ۔ By the end of the year, 12,000 people a day could die of starvation due to the lockdown, a factor that is likely to increase the number of deaths.

According to Oxfam, the global confederation of 20 NGOs around the world is working to address the injustices faced by more than 90 countries.

New hunger hotspots are also emerging. Middle-income countries such as India, South Africa, and Brazil are experiencing rapidly growing hunger as millions of people who were just trying to manage it are being starved to death due to the global pandemic.

The Oxfam report says that even the richest countries in the world are no exception. The US-based Bloomberg News Agency also called the Smart Lockdown approach the only hope to return to normal life as the world awaits a vaccine.

Prime Minister Imran Khan's balanced approach has been endorsed by world-renowned scientists, organizations as well as the international media. According to the Daily Mail, Nobel Prize-winning scientist Michael Levant also warned in May that the coronavirus lockdown could lead to more deaths than its savings because the decision to keep people at home was fueled by panic and fear rather than a scientific strategy.

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